Planning & Zoning
Information about cases in and around our neighborhood and community.
Maricopa County text amendment MCTA 2018001
Appeal issued by Neighborhood Coalition of Greater Phoenix—one of the appeals filed, this requires the county to move the case off the consent agenda and require a hearing.
NCGP Annotated response to applicants’ attorney’s letter to Board of Supervisors. The original letter was rife with half-truths and inaccuracies. We provide our response.
A Report on the Safety Impacts of Digital Billboards by Jerry Wachtel. This study was prepared specifically for the Board of Supervisors related to Maricopa text amendment 2018001. It discredits any suggestion by the applicant that there is not a relationship between billboards and dirver and traffic safety. It specifically states there is a correlation between the two. Wachtel is one of the world’s foremost experts on driver distraction and traffic safety; he conducted the nation’s first such study while he was an employee of the Federal Highway Administration.