Homeowner Resources
If you live in the neighborhood then this is a great tool for you. Everything you need to know about city services, schools, getting plugged in, and who to contact.
City of Phoenix
Contacts and Information
Information on community leaders, political districts and voting information.
Local Utilities & Services
Who to contact for water, irrigation, electricity, gas and phone and internet services.
Neighborhood Schools
Our neighborhood offers parents and caregivers several school choices that are close to home.
Little Free Libraries
Take a book leave a book
A fun and friendly way to encourage literacy in our neighborhood. Find a little library near you.
Neighborhood Organizations
Blockwatches and more
Find out if there is an existing blockwatch in your neighborhood and learn how to start one.
General Information
Homeowner FAQs
How to handle issues encountered by homeowners, noise complaints and other nuisances.
Information & Resources
A guide of up to date local information about the pandemic and resources available for those affected.
neighborhood stories
Share Your Memories
Read about the history of our neighborhood and submit your own stories to be included on our website.